In brief
Programme outcome: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent in East Africa sub-region supports the programmes of Red Cross Societies of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda aimed at saving lives, protecting livelihoods, and strengthening recovery from disaster and crises, enabling healthy and safe living and promoting social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace as outlined in the Strategy 2020.
Programme summary:
In response to the humanitarian challenges in east Africa Region, the National Societies (NS) sought international support through the IFRC. The support required in 2010 would help the NS strengthen their capacities to effectively and efficiently deliver quality services to the most vulnerable people. However, funding support has so far been encouraging despite some of the programmes not receiving any funding during the first quarter of 2010 such as organisational development (OD), principles and values in all five countries, health and care programmes in Rwanda and Uganda, and disaster management (DM) programmes in Uganda. In the first half of the year, the NS efforts and resources were directed towards responding to health emergencies, whilst the bilaterally supported Lake Victoria programme continues. Technical support and coordination has been accordingly provided by the IFRC East Africa Regional Representation office.
Financial situation: The total 2010 budget is CHF 4,819,167 (USD 4,168,579 or EUR 3,289.563), of which CHF 3,650,650 (76 per cent) covered during the reporting period (including opening balance). Overall expenditure during the reporting period was CHF 2,016,657 (77 per cent) of the budget.